Monday, January 24, 2011

California Baby Shower

30 weeks and 3 days pregnant.  Just about 10 weeks to go before our little man arrives!  I  can't believe how fast the time has gone and how soon it will be that our little family of two grows to three!  So far this pregnancy has been a wonderful experience.  Every time I look down at my daily expanding belly, I count my blessings and thank God for this little gift He's given to us.
This past weekend was my last trip home to California before our little mans arrival.  My mom and sister threw me a baby shower and it was such a fun time!  I was amazed at how much love and support my friends and family showed in being there and awestruck with the abundance of gifts and loving wishes we received.  I actually woke up in the middle of the night after the shower with a huge smile on my face thinking about all of the people who showed up and how I want them each to know how much it meant to me that they were there.  There were a few faces who I hadn't seen in 5+ years, friends from elementary school, junior high and high school, cousins and aunts...people who will always hold a special place in my heart.  I even had a special surprise visit from my a very dear friend who flew in all the way from Kansas.  It was a day filled with joy, love, and laughter and I couldn't have imagined anything better.
Now back home in Austin after a long day of travel, a new week begins.  The nesting continues and each day is a day closer to the arrival of our baby boy!    

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